Chapter 1 – The Princess’ Path to Revenge

TL – As per the norm, please don’t forget to check out my About Me. There were several issues with sentence fluency in the last chapter. The reason behind that was because I translated each sentence separately, then just kinda threw them together with no thoughts on how the chapter would turn out. I’ll be trying to fix that from now on. Also I’m advised to set easier/cooler names for people instead of leaving it up to the Translators, so I’ll be doing that.

TL1 – I realized that the first chapter I worked on wasn’t in fact the first chapter of the webnovel. Whoops. Hindsight is 20/20 you know? This will be chapter 1. The chapter I worked on is apparently one of the extra chapters.

Author’s Note

During Chapter 1 is there is an extra story that take place between the chapters 12.

Please note that story takes place around the same time.

[I haven’t given up on this. I got caught up with real life, (midterms are a bitch), and the first chapter is about 80% done. No ETA on when I finish it, but I’ll be able to have more freetime once midterms are over. (02/11/15)]

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